🇨🇱 Edamames BLW (+9m)
Los porotos de soya inmaduros, o edamames, son buena fuente de proteínas y fibra, además de contener vitamina C y hierro.
Es importante que recuerdes siempre entregarlos aplastados, al igual que todas las legumbres, o dentro de una preparación donde hayan quedado algo molidos.
Si tienes Thermomix los puedes preparar fácilmente usando el cestillo. Agrega agua al vaso hasta cubrir completamente las cuchillas, programa 20 min/varoma/vel 1, y listo!
No tienes Thermomix? Hiérvelos o cocínalos al vapor hasta que estén tiernos, y evalúa seriamente tener una TM6 en tu casa porque te va a cambiar la vida!

🇺🇸 BLW Edamame (+9 m.o)
Edamame are green soybeans, and they are full of protein and fiber, but also are a good source of vitamin C and iron.
It’s important to keep in mind that they need to be flattened before offering it to your baby, like all legumes. Alternatively, you can turn them into a recipe that includes them smashed somehow.
If you have a Thermomix at home steam them using the simmering basket (swipe to see photos). Add water into the mixing bowl until you cover the blades completely. Set 20 min/varoma/speed 1, and done!
Don’t have a Thermomix? Boil or steam edamame until they are soft, while you consider having a TM6 at home. It’s a life-changer!
Fuente: www.nutreduca.com